Friday 21 December 2012

End of world prank

         The Boy that cried wolf lol check this out prankster scares people to believe a tsunami is hitting the USA check it out..none of the victims seem suprised and begin to flee like the movies.
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Thursday 20 December 2012

Need A Loan? - Borrow up to £500

Need A Loan- Borrow up to £500

532895_Mobile 300x250 Get a KwikCash Loan

How do Quick Cash Loans work

KwikCash is a way for you to get fast cash loans quickly. Great when you need to meet emergency costs or to pay an unexpected bill. You can then pay your quick cash loan back with interest on your next payday or within around 28 days!
If you're finding it hard to cope with certain expenses, it's far too easy to go over limits on overdrafts or credit cards, incur huge charges, and damage your credit rating. However, by applying for a quick payday loan instead, you can control your cash and better manage your finances.

How can I apply for quick payday Loans?

Quick Cash Loans eligibility

It's simple and lots of people are eligible. All you need is to be employed and be able to pay the loan back on your next payday to stand a strong chance of being accepted for quick cash loans. You also need to be 18 or over, a permanent UK resident and to have a UK bank account.

There's a simple form to fill in to apply - and we only need a few details from you to send to our lenders. The lenders KwikCash work with will give you a quick decision and deposit funds into your account the same day* if you're successful.

Quick Cash loans are available in just an hour from a number of our lenders, however some will include an extra charge for this service. Most loans are same day and without any transaction charges.

Usually you won't need to fax any documents but you will need to supply details about where you live, work and how much you earn so that lenders can assess how much they can lend to you.


What can I use my quick Cash Loans for?

It's up to you. Payday Loans are designed to pay for unexpected bills, urgent repairs on your house, or other financial emergencies.

Hit the link at the drop................

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Friday 7 December 2012

Radio DJ Royal hoax, hospital receptionist commits suicide.

   Radio DJ Royal hoax, hospital receptionist commits suicide.

Australian radio DJ's prank call hospital impersonating the royal family, and successfully acquired confidential information regarding Kate Middleton's hospital stay. While suffering with a severe form of morning sickness.
Two day's after the prank call the hospital receptionist was found dead, this is suspected sucide.
More to follow, catch the prank call @ the drop.

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Tuesday 4 December 2012

Rita Ora, plays Rob Kardashian

Rita Ora, plays Rob Kardashian


Rita Ora has hit great heights 2012, hitting our Radio and TV screens with music, and appearing on X-Factor as a judge. You cant miss this girl she's sexy stunning and was mysterious.

The cat is out the bag and we now have a full picture of the girl, Rita is saying good bye to in her recent hit, 'R.I.P'.

EX boyfriend Rob Kardashian outs, Rita as a cheating nympho.

Check Rob's tweets and more @ the drop.......

Rob, claims Rita cheated over 20 times (Damn, 'never love a hoe bro') and is seriously heart broken. Rob must of had enough of loose woman, with men all over the world trying to keep up with the Kardashian ladies (cough cough) well known promiscuous celebrity nympho's.


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Monday 3 December 2012

Pledge your support, GOOGLE NEEDS YOU.

People power

The World is changing and ever evolving the Internet and Google have played a big part of this.
Communication is easy, we can talk, text and see our friends and family from all over the world. At the click of a button we must protect our freedom.

Protect our freedom, and support Google.  For a free and open Internet!!!!

Follow the link @ the drop, sign up and see more information........

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Sunday 25 November 2012

Brit's protest for GAZA 'STOP THE MASSACRE'




Yesterday 50'000 courageous protesters took to the streets of Central London. In support of the misfortune taking place in GAZA, their aim is 'To stop the apartheid in Palestine.'
More after the jump.....
Southampton's, Mohammad Missouri and many others want to be heard.  Mo' ended the protest with this facebook statement.
 'What a day! Great turn out! People from all over the world marching together for one cause! Hopefully Mr Cameron heard us screaming outside his front door!'


Any questions, comments or information do not hesitate to ADD.

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Saturday 24 November 2012


Viruses have always been a problem for computer users, worms, rats and all sorts of vermin we need to stay aware of on the world wide web.

In 2012 computers and the Internet have become a house hold trend and mobile as smart phones.
This creates opportunities for cyber criminals so stay vigilant keep your virus killers upto date.

More after the jump...

                                                     UKASH west Yorkshire police
Reports detect an increase in viruses especially for venerable computers. Hackers acting as official bodies and impersonating the police. They will lock your computer, hold you to ransom and demand  money to be paid into a UKASH account( which is a real company).


if you see this or are infected by such a virus go into your control panel > systems and then restore/ recover PC to a date and time before infection and this will remedy the problem.

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Wednesday 7 November 2012

'GOOGLE' The internets best kept secret?

PMSL check out the typo, 'We Should all 'blog' be blogging' yeah i f@cked up but its sounds good, don't it?

Excuse my English, there must of been a leaf on my keyboard, but,... yeah im back to talk about the Internets best kept secret, I'm a whisper it to you so not to many people hear me ;) google.

In our faces everyday but the only thing we see is facebook, am i lying? OK maybe a few of us are switched on, or maybe not. but I'm finna try and pick up some good habits. (Finna means going to)

We are always updating statuses and sharing our views, concerns and business with friends and people we simply don't know. Natural right? yeah so I'm thinking more of us should be blogging adding to each others blogs or atleast have a google plus account. You smell me?

Yeah yeah, well if not. What I'm saying is we can pretty much all earn money from 'F@cking around on the internet' or atleast try by simply blogging and supporting other blogs in our circles rather than just leaving a comment or liking what we see on facebook.

Facebook is greedy, but google offer opportunities for us to earn a little pizza money doing what we are doing already, nothing wont happen over night but there is no harm in giving it a go.

So what I'm saying is, check out google create more blogs instead of just facebook updates and random rants, and lets be apart of the evolution of the Internet.

yeah i might be abit bored but it makes sense dam it, so get blogging.

Be Cool People

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